Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Well it's been a little while since I have posted.  But I have been working on a couple of Silhouette Cameo projects that I will share today.

First is a square vase/candy dish.  Not positive what it is supposed to be used for, but you could use it for either.  It will be a wedding gift for a friend.  I etched all four sides of the vase, one side I put a monogram with the bride and groom's first name above it, and the last name below it.  On the the second side, I put the wedding date.  The third and fourth sides each have a part of a phrase that was on the wedding invitation.
 I am planning on filling the dish with Hershey kisses before giving it to the happy couple.

I made a template out of vinyl using the Silhouette Cameo, and weeded the letters, keeping the negative space, I applied the vinyl to the vase using transfer tape and then I covered any remaining exposed glass with painter's tape to protect it.  I then used a bead blaster on the glass to to etch it.  You could use an etching cream, it makes a more subtle etch.  I use the cream on more fragile items.

That task completed I then started on the card.  I wanted to make something personal, but I was running out of time, so I needed to do something I was fairly confident would work.  So I opted for a word card, using the word LOVE.  As I contemplated how to embellish the card, I knew I wanted to use parts of 1 Corinthians chapter 13, sometimes called the love chapter.  This chapter applies not only to married couples, but to all Christians interacting with people.  So this is what I came up with.

 We should all be willing to "bear with" someone, to forgive and to receive forgiveness.

We are quick to assume the worst of someone, we need to believe in people, and we need to be the kind of person that others can believe the best of and not be disappointed.

 This is the the 7th verse of 1 Corinthians 13.  It is speaking of love or charity, and the 7th verse says bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  There is lots of other great stuff in the first 6 verses, but I couldn't put it all in a card, so I had to choose just a part.  I added the other text, because sometimes we hear something so many times, it is familiar, we can repeat it word for word, but we never let the deep truths of those words sink in, so I just added a little commentary to remind us of the truth of the verse.  I wish I added the 8th verse, "Love never fails".

I used a tutorial from here to figure out how to make a word card, I modified it a little for myself. I first cut the card pieces from a cereal box, sorry, I forget where I got that tip.  I used the setting for coverstock, but I set my blade depth to "9" to cut the cereal box.  I then did a print and cut, added the words, printed out the same card pieces on white card stock and cut them.  Then I cut the letters only out of black cardstock, using the textured cardstock setting and a blade depth of "4". Using a spray adhesive, I glue it all together, use a hole punch to punch two holes in the left edge and run a piece of tulle through the holes and tie it in a nice bow to hold it all together.  I used embellishments from K&Company: classic wedding & handsome groom dimensional stickers. I don't know what fonts I used, as they are not loaded on this computer, so I just have a ho hum font on the SVG file on this computer.

All in all I am happy with my creations for the wedding gift and card.  If anyone has any questions feel free to leave them in the comments, and if anyone wants the SVG file for the card leave that request in the comment sections as well.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you all have someone in your life that helps you to hope, believe and endure!

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